Voice Alert Settings

Manage Triggers' voice alert language and gender at the ENDPOINT, GROUP, and TENANT levels.

Available Settings

Gender: Represents the gender used in voice alerts.

  • NEUTRAL: Gender-neutral voice.
  • MALE: Male voice.
  • FEMALE: Female voice.

Language Accent: Defines the language and regional accent used in voice alerts. Options include:

  • EN_US: English (United States)
  • EN_GB: English (United Kingdom)
  • EN_AU: English (Australia)
  • DE_DE: German (Germany)
  • FR_FR: French (France)
  • FR_CA: French (Canada)
  • ES_ES: Spanish (Spain)
  • ES_US: Spanish (United States)

Precedence of Settings

For a given target level (e.g., an ENDPOINT), voice alert settings are applied based on the following precedence:

  • Settings configured at the ENDPOINT level have the highest precedence.
  • Settings configured at the GROUP level have precedence next to ENDPOINT.
  • Settings configured at the TENANT level have precedence next to GROUP.
  • If none of these levels has configured settings, it will come from the parent Tenant.

Default Settings

  • The Language Accent default is EN_US, English (United States).
  • The Gender default is NEUTRAL, a gender-neutral voice.