JUMP TOSmarter AI APIsGetting StartedAuthenticationResponse CodesAudit LogsAudit Logs for SchemesgetAudit Logs for Trigger VariablegetCAN bus dataGet CAN bus data for EndpointgetGet CAN bus data for a tripgetDevice and Apps EndpointsEndpoint ListgetEndpoint DetailsgetDevice Details from Serial NumbergetTransfer DevicespostAwake Device form the Parking modepostLatest Wake Up Request on EndpointgetUnpair Plugged Device from a Camera DevicedeleteFormat SD CardpostDevice GroupsCreate Device GrouppostList of Device GroupsgetDevice Group DetailsgetDelete Device GroupdeleteAdd Device to Device GroupputList Devices in Device GroupgetRemove Device from a Device GroupdeleteDevice HealthGet all available health tags listgetDevice Health TagsgetEventsEvent ListgetEvent DetailsgetEvent CaptureEvent Capture RequestpostEvent Capture StatusgetProductsProduct ListgetRetrieve RecordingsRetrieve RecordingsgetRequest Recording CaptureMake a Recording RequestpostRecording Request StatusgetSchemesList all the available SchemesgetGet effective Schemes for a CameragetList resources on which a Scheme is appliedgetList of deployed schemesgetDeploy SchemepostDeploy Schemes in bulk on CameraspostDeploy Schemes in bulk on TenantpostUndeploy SchemepostUndeploy Schemes in bulk from CameraspostUndeploy Schemes in bulk from a TenantpostSensorsRetrieve Sensor data from CloudgetTriggersTrigger ListgetVariables List for TriggergetOverride a Trigger VariableputGet Trigger Variable valuegetVoice Alert SettingsChange Gender SettingspatchChange Language and Accent SettingspatchGet Gender SettingsgetGet Language and Accent SettingsgetRemove Gender SettingsdeleteRemove Language and Accent SettingsdeleteTripsList of TripsgetGet Trip DetailsgetThumbnail ListgetExtracting ThumbnailsUsersCreate User for TenantpostVideo MinutesTenants Video Minute UsagesgetEndpoints Video Minute UsagesgetWebhooksCreate WebhookpostWebhook DetailsgetUpdate a WebhookputDelete a WebhookdeleteList All WebhooksgetList All Available TopicsgetSubscribe To a Webhook TopicputUnsubscribe From a Webhook TopicdeleteIntegration GuideEvent List and Event DetailsVideo Player LibraryEvent Capture Statusget https://api.smarterai.com/v4/events/capture/status/{eventCaptureRequestId}Use this API to see the status of the Recording Request