Endpoint Properties

A camera endpoint exposes several properties to platform that can be accessed through Access library.

For now, we only get AI container information from camera.

AI Container

Smarter AI Camera Platform deploys AI Containers to the edge, seamlessly, securely, and over-the-air. In this section, we will guide you about getting the information regarding deployed AI container in your cameras. The AI container information is accessed through Access library.

To know more about AI container, visit our official website here.

Getting AI Container Information

To get the information of the AI Container running on the camera from Access, follow the steps below:



Implement Access.GetEndpointPropertyListener and register it by calling RegisterGetEndpointPropertyListener(GetEndpointPropertyListener listener) method from Access class. This is required to be registered only once.


To fetch AI Container data, call getProperties(long endpointId) from Access class.


You will get AI container information through the onGetEndpointProperty(int status, HashMap<String, String> endpointProperties) method of the registered interface.

listener = new Access.GetEndpointPropertyListener() {
    public void onGetEndpointProperty(int status, HashMap<String, String> endpointProperties) {
        // apiStatus, 0 for successful response
        // endpointProperties, contains the properties of endpoint including AI container information

static final String TRAITS_AI_MODELS = "TRAITS_AI_MODELS";
void parse(HashMap<String, String> endpointProperties) {
    if (endpointProperties != null) {
        String aiContainerInformation = endpointProperties.get(TRAITS_AI_MODELS);
    if(aiContainerInformation != null){
            //parse the info regarding AI
            //A sample aiContainerInformation is like
            //modelname=face-detection-adas-0001 + "\r\n" + modelversion=1.1 + "\r\n" + modelformat= + "\r\n" + modelgroupID=2056



Call getProperties(Endpoint endpointId, EndpointPropertiesCallback callback) method of Access class.

Declaration of EndpointPropertiesCallback is:

typedef std::function<void(const int apiStatus,
                const types::Properties properties)> EndpointPropertiesCallback;

and declaration of Properties type is:

typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> Properties;

You will get AI container information through the EndpointPropertiesCallback callback method as a list. Sample code example is:

AccessRet accessRet = access->getProperties(endpointID, [] (const int apiStatus, const types::Properties properties)
    // apiStatus, 0 for successful response
    // properties, contains the properties of endpoint including AI container information
        NSMutableDictionary *propertiesDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
        for(auto& element: properties)
            [propertiesDict setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s",element.second.c_str()]  forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s",element.first.c_str()]];
        NSString* traitsAIInformation = propertiesDict[@"TRAITS_AI_MODELS"];
        if(traitsAIInformation != null){
            //parse the info regarding AI
            //A sample traitsAIInformation is like
            //modelname=face-detection-adas-0001 + "\r\n" + modelversion=1.1 + "\r\n" + modelformat= + "\r\n" + modelgroupID=2056