Access Library - Files
/// file Access.h
/// \brief Access API header file
/// Copyright (c) 2019 AnyConnect Private Limited. All rights reserved.
#ifndef _ACCESS_
#define _ACCESS_
#include \<string>
#include \<utility>
#include \<memory>
#include \<functional>
#include \<vector>
#include \<cstdint>
#include \<ctime>
#include \<map>
#include \<cctype>
#include \<iomanip>
#include \<sstream>
#include "AccessTypes.h"
namespace com { /// \namespace com
namespace anyconnect { /// \namespace anyconnect
namespace access { /// \namespace access
using namespace com::anyconnect::access::types;
/// \brief Access allows communication with other Access endpoints through
/// use of AnyConnect's service.
class Access {
typedef std::shared_ptr\<Access> Ptr;
virtual ~Access() {}
/// Makes this endpoint appear online to other endpoints with association.
/// Registered callbacks will get invoked as soon as start is called.
/// Callback invocation may begin before start() returns so all necessary
/// initialization must be performed before start is called.
/// After start has been called, additional callback registration can result in immediate
/// invocation.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK when started Access successfully, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet start() = 0;
/// Makes the endpoint invisible to other endpoints. Callbacks in progress can still be
/// invoked. The API will asynchronously return the status through async callback.
/// \param[in] callback - Callback handler that will return the invocation result asynchronously.
/// No other callbacks will be invoked after this callback is called.
virtual void stop(ApiStatusCallback callback) = 0;
/// Fetch the pairing token. Device will use this token to pair with this endpoint.
/// This API can be invoked from App only.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return the token.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getPairingToken(PairingTokenCallback callback) = 0;
/// Retrieves the endpoint information for an specified endpoint.
/// \param[in] endpointId - Id of the endpoint to fetch info. Possible value may be self Id
/// or Id of some endpoint with association.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return endpoint info.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getEndpointInfo(const Endpoint endpointId, EndpointInfoCallback callback) = 0;
/// Returns endpoint info from cache.
/// \param[out] userId - Owner user id for the calling endpoint.
/// \param[out] endpointId - Endpoint id for the calling endpoint.
/// \param[out] endpointType - Endpoint type for the calling endpoint.
virtual void getSelfEndpointInfo(uint64_t& userId, Endpoint& endpointId, EndpointType& endpointType) = 0;
/// Updates the endpoint information for the specific endpoint.
/// \param[in] endpointId - Id of the endpoint to update name. Possible value may be self Id
/// or Id of some endpoint with association.
/// \param[in] endpointInfo - EndpointInfo instance containing updated endpoint information.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return the invocation result.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet updateEndpointInfo(const Endpoint endpointId, const std::shared_ptr\<types::EndpointUpdateRequest> endpointInfo, ApiStatusCallback callback) = 0;
/// Retrieves user infomation. Calling endpoint must have sufficient privilege.
/// \param[in] userId - Id of the user to fetch info.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return user info.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getUserInfo(const uint64_t userId, UserInfoCallback callback) = 0;
/// Updates the self user information. The calling endpoint must be an user.
/// \param[in] updatedName - New user name.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return the invocation result.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet updateUserInfo(const std::string updatedName, ApiStatusCallback callback) = 0;
/// Associate an endpoint with an specific user.
/// \param[in] endpointId - Id of the endpoint intending to share.
/// \param[in] userEmail - Email of the user with whom to share the endpoint.
/// \param[in] role - Role of the specified user on the specified endpoint.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return
/// the invocation result.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet associateEndpoint(Endpoint endpointId, std::string userEmail, PeerRole role, ApiStatusCallback callback) = 0;
/// Asynchronously returns the list of associated endpoints.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return the endpoint list.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getAssociatedEndpoints(AssociatedEndpointCallback callback) = 0;
/// Asynchronously returns the associated users.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return the endpoint list.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getAssociatedUsers(Endpoint endpointId, AssociatedUserCallback callback) = 0;
/// Update the role of an user over an already associated endpoint.
/// \param[in] endpointId - Id of the target endpoint.
/// \param[in] userId - Id of the user for whom to update the role.
/// \param[in] role - New role of the specified user on the specified endpoint.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return
/// the invocation result.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet updateAssociationRole(Endpoint endpointId, uint64_t userId, PeerRole role, ApiStatusCallback callback) = 0;
/// Removes the association of an user from an specific endpoint.
/// This will result in removing the access control entry and prevent any further operation
/// on the endpoint by the calling user.
/// \param[in] endpointId - Id of the target endpoint.
/// \param[in] userId - Id of the user for whom the association should be removed.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return
/// the invocation result.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet removeAssociation(Endpoint endpointId, uint64_t userId, ApiStatusCallback callback) = 0;
/// Retrieves presence status for a set of endpoints.
/// \param[in] endpoints - A set of endpoints to retrive presence status.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return presence status.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getPresence(const std::vector\<types::Endpoint>& endpoints, PresenceStatusCallback callback) = 0;
/// Sends events to the associated endpoints.
/// \param[in] eventType - Type of the event, e.g. "com.example.detection.face".
/// \param[in] eventDescription - Event description.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return
/// the invocation result.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet sendEvent(const std::string& eventType, const std::string& eventDescription, ApiStatusCallback callback) = 0;
/// Sends message to an specific endpoint.
/// \param[in] data - Message data to send.
/// \param[in] callback - Optional asynchronous callback function that shall return
/// the invocation result.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet sendMessage(const MessageData data, ApiStatusCallback callback = nullptr) = 0;
/// Sends a signal.
/// \param[in] data - Signal data to send.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return
/// the invocation result.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet sendSignal(const SignalType signal, const SignalData data, sendSignalCallback callback) = 0;
/// Updateds a connection details.
/// \param[in] isInitiator - Indicates the endpoint which connection initiated.
/// \param[in] connectionDetails - Details of the connection.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return
/// the invocation result when callback is set.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet updateConnectionDetails(bool isInitiator, const ConnectionDetails connectionDetails, ApiStatusCallback callback = nullptr) = 0;
/// Retrieves the recorded media Url for an specific endpoint.
/// \param[in] endpointId - Endpoint Id to retrieve the recorded media.
/// \param[in] startingTime - Starting time in seconds (epoch unix time: 1560167845).
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return
/// the invocation result.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getRecordedMediaUrl(Endpoint endpointId, int64_t startingTime, RecordingUrlsCallback callback) = 0;
/// Returns the STUN and TURN server configuration.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback function that shall return the result.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getServerConfiguration(ServerConfigurationCallback callback) = 0;
/// Sets properties for the calling endpoint.
/// \param[in] props - types::Properties instance holding key-value properties to be set.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall return invocation status.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet setProperties(const types::Properties props, ApiStatusCallback callback) = 0;
/// Retrieves properties of an specified endpoint.
/// \param[in] endpointId - Target endpoint id to retrieve properties.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall return endpoint properties.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getProperties(Endpoint endpointId, EndpointPropertiesCallback callback) = 0;
/// Retrieves available package version.
/// \param[in] packageVariant - Type of the package variant
/// \param[out] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall return latest version of package details.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getAvailablePackageVersion(std::string packageVariant, AvailablePackageVersionCallback callback) = 0;
/// Retrieves available package version.
///\param[in] Continuation Token to get continues data. Keep this field empty to get
/// entries from beginning. In order to resume the query at the next item in the result
/// set, please provide the continuation token retrieved from previous query
/// \param[in] deviceGrouName - device group name
/// \param[out] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall return available AI models of the group of deivce
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getAvailableAIContainer(std::string continuationToken, int64_t groupId, GetAvailableAIContainerCallback callback) = 0;
/// Retrieves available package variants.
/// \param[out] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall return available package variants.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getPackageVariants(AvailablePackageVariantsCallback callback) = 0;
/// Post Sensor samples.
/// \param[in] sensorReports - List of Sensor Samples. Recommended max List size 30.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall return status of the post operation
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet postSensorSamples(std::vector\<std::shared_ptr\<SensorReport>> sensorReports, ApiStatusCallback callback) = 0;
/// Retrieves available package version.
/// \param[out] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall return current version of package.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getSelfVersion(GetPackageVersionCallback callback) = 0;
/// Retrieves available package version.
/// \param[out] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall return current version of package.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getVersion(GetVersionCallback callback) = 0;
/// Retrieves available package version.
/// \param[in] version - version to be udpated
/// \param[in] variant - package variant in use
/// \param[out] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall return status of setting version.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet setSelfVersion(const std::string version, const std::string variant, ApiStatusCallback callback) = 0;
/// update or set package version.
/// \param[in] version - version to be udpated
/// \param[out] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall return status of setting version.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet setVersion(const std::string version, ApiStatusCallback callback) = 0;
/// Post a report to console.
/// \param[in] props - Report properties in key/value form.
/// \param[in] type - A predefined report type.
/// \param[in] severity - Severity of the diagnostic report.
/// \param[in] module - Module that is posting the diagnostic report.
/// \param[in] summary - Summary text of the report.
/// \param[in] delay - Delay in ms when the report originally occurred.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual bool postReports(const Properties props, const ReportType type, const ReportSeverity severity, const ReportModule module, const std::string summary, std::uint32_t delay = 0) = 0;
/// Register callback function to receive specific type of message.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall be invoked
/// when the specific message is received.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet registerMessageCallback(std::string messageType, MessageCallback callback) = 0;
/// Register callback function to receive signals.
/// \param[in] signal - SignalType for which callback should set.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall be invoked
/// when the specific message is received.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet registerSignalCallback(types::SignalType signal, SignalDataCallback callback) = 0;
/// Register callback function to receive presence notification for the associated endpoints.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall be invoked
/// when presence status changes for the associated endpoints.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet registerPresenceChangeCallback(PresenceChangeCallback callback) = 0;
/// Register callback function to receive notification when caller endpoints
/// role is changed on any of the associated endpoints.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall be invoked
/// when role changes.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet registerRoleChangeCallback(RoleChangeCallback callback) = 0;
/// Register callback function to receive notification when any associated endpoint is reset.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall be invoked
/// when an associated endpoint is reset.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet registerEndpointResetCallback(ResetCallback callback) = 0;
/// Register callback function to receive notification on change of endpoint info
/// (e.g. Name, Image URL) for associated endpoints.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall be invoked
/// when endpoint info is changed on any of the associated endpoints.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet registerEndpointInfoChangeCallback(InfoChangeCallback callback) = 0;
/// Register callback function to receive notification on self connection status.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall be invoked
/// when self connectivity status changes.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet registerSelfConnectionChangeCallback(SelfConnectionCallback callback) = 0;
/// Register callback function that shall be invoked on Access fall into
/// severe internal error. When this callback is invoked, client should stop
/// and restart (stop, initialize and start)
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet registerErrorCallback(ApiStatusCallback callback) = 0;
/// Register callback function to receive system events generated by
/// event plugin library.
/// \param[in] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall be invoked
/// when event fired by event library.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet registerSystemEventListener(SystemEventCallback callback) = 0;
/// Deactivates an user. All user specific info is removed from the server. Moreover, it resets all
// the endpoints this user owns. This is a blocking API.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet deactivateUser() = 0;
/// Removes an specific endpoint from Anyconnect system. This is a blocking API.
/// \param[in] endpointId - Endpoint Id to reset. The caller must have sufficient privilege.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet resetEndpoint(Endpoint endpointId) = 0;
/// Retrieves list of (10) events for an Endpoint.
/// \param[in] endpointId - Target endpoint id to retrieve events.
/// \param[in] pageSize - Expected size of the list. Specified size should be between
/// between 10 to 100. If the size is beyond this limit, closest default size will be used
/// \param[in] continuationToken - For initial call, it must be empty. for subsequent
/// call (to get data continuation) set the value from the most recent success response
/// \param[out] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall be invoked
/// when the events are available.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getEvents(const Endpoint endpointId, int pageSize, std::string continuationToken, EventsListCallback callback) = 0;
/// Retrieves list of sensor samples for an Endpoint.
/// \param[in] endpointId - Target endpoint id to retrieve events.
/// \param[in] pageSize - Expected size of the list. Specified size should be between
/// between 10 to 100. If the size is beyond this limit, closest default size will be used
/// \param[in] sensorReportType - Type of sensor
/// \param[in] continuationToken - For initial call, it must be empty. for subsequent
/// call (to get data continuation) set the value from the most recent success response
/// \param[in] fromDate - Start date of the sample
/// \param[in] toDate - End date of the sample
/// \param[out] callback - Asynchronous callback handler that shall be invoked
/// when the events are available.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getSensorSamples(const Endpoint endpointId,
int32_t pageSize,
std::string sensorReportType,
std::string continuationToken,
std::string fromDate,
std::string toDate,
SensorSampleCallback callback
) = 0;
/// Remove the calling endpoint from Anyconnect system.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet resetSelf() = 0;
/// Logout current active user
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet logout() = 0;
/// post stream quality report
/// \param[in] connectionId - ConnectionId of the stream
/// \param[in] streamQualityProfiles - List of StreamQualityProfile instance
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet postStreamQuality(std::string connectionId, std::vector\<std::shared_ptr\<types::StreamQualityProfile>> streamQualityProfileList, PostStreamQualityCallback callback) = 0;
/// Get resource groups
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet getResourceGroups(GetResourceGroupsCallback callback) = 0;
/// Get network status
/// \return - true if netowork is connected, false otherwise
virtual bool hasConnectivity() = 0;
/// Get app versions
/// \param[in] continuationToken - Continuation Token to get continues data.
/// Keep this field empty to get entries from beginning. In order to resume the query
/// at the next item in the result set, please provide the continuation token retrieved
/// from previous query
/// \param[in] platform - Must be ANDROID or IOS.
/// \param[in] fromDate - Data after this date will be retrieved. Date format is epoch time milliseconds
/// \param[in] toDate - Data up to this date will be retrieved. Date format is epoch time milliseconds
/// \return - OK is successful, other values in failure
virtual AccessRet getAppVersion(std::string continuationToken, std::string platform, std::string fromDate, std::string toDate, GetAppVersionCallback callback) = 0;
/// Get deployed firmware
///\param[in] continuationToken - Continuation Token to get continues data.
/// Keep this field empty to get entries from beginning. In order to resume
/// the query at the next item in the result set, please provide the continuation
/// token retrieved from previous query
///\param[in] groupId - A unique Group ID
///\param[in] fromDate - Data after this date will be retrieved. Date format is epoch time milliseconds
///\param[in] toDate - Data up to this date will be retrieved. Date format is epoch time milliseconds
/// \return - OK if successful, other values on failure
virtual AccessRet getDeployedFirmwares(std::string continuationToken, int64_t groupId, std::string fromDate, std::string toDate, GetDeployedFirmwaresCallback callback) = 0;
/// Get deployed firmware
///\param[in] endpointId - Endpoint id
///\param[in] continuationToken - Continuation Token to get continues data.
/// Keep this field empty to get entries from beginning. In order to resume
/// the query at the next item in the result set, please provide the continuation
/// token retrieved from previous query
/// \return - OK if successful, other values on failure
virtual AccessRet checkFirmwareUpdate(int64_t endpointId, std::string continuationToken, CheckFirmwareUpdateCallback callback) = 0;
/// Get events of an endpoint
///\param[in] endpointId - Endpoint id
///\param[in] continuationToken - Continuation Token to get continues data.
/// Keep this field empty to get entries from beginning. In order to resume
/// the query at the next item in the result set, please provide the continuation
/// token retrieved from previous query
/// \return - OK if successful, other values on failure
virtual AccessRet getEventsForEndpoint(int64_t endpointId, std::string continuationToken, GetEventsForEndpointCallback callback) = 0;
/// Get capability of an endpoint
///\param[in] endpointId - Endpoint id to fetch capability of
///\return - OK if successful, other values on failure
virtual AccessRet getEndpointCapabilities(int64_t endpointId, GetEndpointCapabilityCallback callback) = 0;
/// Report capabilities of different stack
/// Report general system info
virtual AccessRet reportCapabilities(const reporting::SystemInfo& caps) = 0;
// /// Report system health
virtual AccessRet reportCapabilities(const reporting::SystemHealth& caps) = 0;
// /// Report endpoint related info
virtual AccessRet reportCapabilities(const reporting::EndpointData& caps) = 0;
// /// Report encoder capabilities
virtual AccessRet reportCapabilities(const reporting::CameraCaps& caps) = 0;
// /// Report sensor capabilities
virtual AccessRet reportCapabilities(const reporting::SensorCaps& caps) = 0;
// /// Report connectivity capabilities
virtual AccessRet reportCapabilities(const reporting::ConnectivityCaps& caps) = 0;
// /// Report Device capabilities
virtual AccessRet reportCapabilities(const reporting::EdgeDeviceCaps& caps) = 0;
/// Returns a list of aicontainer
/// \return - OK if successful, other values on failure
virtual AccessRet getDeployedAIContainer(GetDeployedAIContainerCallback callback) = 0;
/// Returns a list of model
///\param[in] containerId - A unique container id
///\param[in] pageSize - Expected size of the list. Specified size should be between
/// between 10 to 100. If the size is beyond this limit, closest default size will be used
///\param[in] continuationToken - Continuation Token to get continues data.
/// Keep this field empty to get entries from beginning. In order to resume
/// the query at the next item in the result set, please provide the continuation
/// token retrieved from previous query
///\return - OK if successful, other values on failure
virtual AccessRet getDeployedAIModels(std::string containerid, int32_t pageSize, std::string continuationToken, GetDeployedAIModelsCallback callback) = 0;
/// Builder object to configure and create an Access instance.
class AccessBuilder {
/// Returns a shared pointer pointing to a valid AccessBuilder instance.
static std::shared_ptr\<AccessBuilder> getBuilder();
virtual ~AccessBuilder() {}
/// Sets the provisioning credentials. Should be used for App onboarding.
/// \param[in] email - Email of the App user.
/// \param[in] loginToken - Token received by the email provider after successful login.
/// \param[in] emailProvider - Name of the email provider (e.g. Gmail, Facebook, Samsung).
/// \param[in] domain - Domain name of email provider.
/// \param[in] tenantId - Tenant Id of the user.
/// \param[in] endpointName - Name of the endpoint.
/// \param[in] deviceUniqueIdentifier - Unique identifier for the calling machine. This should not
/// change for a certain machine.
virtual AccessRet fieldProvisionApp(const std::string email, const std::string loginToken,
const std::string emailProvider, const std::string domain,
const std::string tenantId,
const std::string endpointName, const std::string deviceUniqueIdentifier) = 0;
/// Sets the provisioning credentials. Should be used for Device onboarding.
/// \param[in] userId - User Id of the user attempting to pair.
/// \param[in] pairingToken - Token received from the user attempting to pair.
/// \param[in] endpointName - Name of the endpoint.
/// \param[in] deviceUniqueIdentifier - Unique identifier for the calling machine. This should not
/// change for a certain machine.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet fieldProvisionDevice(const uint64_t userId, std::string pairingToken,
const std::string endpointName, const std::string deviceUniqueIdentifier) = 0;
/// Provision an Endpoint when Endpoint Id and Secret are already available.
/// \param[in] endpointId - Endpoint Id of this Endpoint.
/// \param[in] endpointSecret - Endpoint secret of this Endpoint.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet factoryProvisionEndpoint(const Endpoint endpointId, const std::string endpointSecret) = 0;
/// Sets the provisioning credentials. Should be used for Device onboarding.
/// \param[in] endpointName - Name of the endpoint.
/// \param[in] deviceUniqueIdentifier - Unique identifier for the calling machine. This should not
/// change for a certain machine.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet selfProvisionDevice(const std::string endpointName, const std::string deviceUniqueIdentifier) = 0;
/// Returns the endpoint Id.
virtual Endpoint getEndpointId() const = 0;
/// Returns the Endpoint type. This info is updated by Access with the data in the server
/// during Access instantiation when AccessBuilder::build() API is invoked.
virtual types::EndpointType getEndpointType() const = 0;
/// Returns the Endpoint secret set by client.
virtual std::string getEndpointSecret() const = 0;
/// Returns the Endpoint name. This info is updated by Access with the data in the server
/// during Access instantiation when AccessBuilder::build() API is invoked.
virtual std::string getEndpointName() const = 0;
/// Returns the user Id of the owner. This info is updated by Access with the data in the server
/// during Access instantiation when AccessBuilder::build() API is invoked.
virtual uint64_t getUserId() const = 0;
/// Returns the owner username. This info is updated by Access with the data in the server
/// during Access instantiation when AccessBuilder::build() API is invoked.
virtual std::string getUserName() const = 0;
/// Returns the email of the calling endpoint's owner. This info is updated by Access with the data in the server
/// during Access instantiation when AccessBuilder::build() API is invoked.
virtual std::string getEmail() const = 0;
/// Returns the domain name of the email provider set by client.
/// This info is updated by Access with the data in the server during Access instantiation
/// when AccessBuilder::build() API is invoked.
virtual std::string getDomain() const = 0;
/// Returns the tenant Id. This info is updated by Access with the data in the server
/// during Access instantiation when AccessBuilder::build() API is invoked.
virtual std::string getTenantId() const = 0;
/// Returns the image Url for this endpoint. This info is updated by Access with the data
/// in the server during Access instantiation when AccessBuilder::build() API is invoked.
virtual std::string getImageUrl() const = 0;
/// Returns the Anyconnect REST server URL.
virtual std::string getBaseUrl() const = 0;
/// Sets the local directory path for the cache.
/// \return - AccessRet::OK if successful, other values on failure.
virtual AccessRet setCacheDirectory(const std::string path) = 0;
/// Returns the current local directory path for the cache set by client.
virtual std::string getCacheDirectory() const = 0;
/// Constructs an Access instance.
/// throws std::runtime_error
/// \return In success, returns Access::Ptr containing Access instance. In failure, returns null Access::Ptr.
/// On exception, std::runtime_error::what() API will provide the reason for the exception.
virtual Access::Ptr build() = 0;
/// Sets the Java virtual machine reference.
/// Android MUST call this api before build api to make build successful.
virtual void setJavaVM(JavaVM* vm) = 0;
/// Returns the Java virtual machine reference.
virtual JavaVM* getJavaVM() = 0;
} //access
} //anyconnect
} //com
#endif //_ACCESS_
Updated over 2 years ago